Joshua Healthcare International Medical Services

Best Cure Without Boundaries

Distinguished Specialized Medical Care

Why should I choose specialized medical treatment?

It’s because the specialized physicians focus on the treatment and the research of a single disease. As a result, compared to other physicians, they are more familiar with various types of that particular disease, possible complications, treatments, and surgical procedures.  This specialization results in more precise disease treatment methods and SOP disposal processes.

Team of Outstanding Physicians

Our medical center has a team of physicians at the highest professional level:

These specialists have decades of experience in surgery, treatment, and research, and have accumulated numerous empirical medical articles and dissertations. By applying the research results in specialized medical technology, they have become renowned experts in their fields of specialized medical care.

Professional Full Service

Joshua Specialized International Medical Service, besides assisting patients in selecting outstanding physicians from various specializations, is also cooperating with multiple overseas medical institutions. After getting treatments in Taiwan, patients can receive post-surgery care at these cooperative partner medical centers and return to their attending physicians. Therefore, overseas patients are able to get the most reliable and complete medical services.

In addition to cross-border medical care, Joshua also offers the following professional services:

  • Medical second opinion: designated specialists will provide second opinions to help patients make the best decision.
  • Tele-consultations: to answer all the patients’ questions, reduce the waiting time and save time.
  • Taiwan-Japan Medical Cooperation: cooperate with famous Japanese medical institutions and physicians to serve patients in need.
© Joshua Healthcare